UTI Causes

Let’s look at the facts about UTIs.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) sound scary, but they don’t have to be. All you need is a little information, treatment, and, most importantly, relief. But first, the information…

UTIs typically occur as a result of bacteria entering your urinary system through the urethra. Often, the bacteria are gastrointestinal and originate in the anus. The bacteria may travel to and multiply in the bladder, and if the infection is not treated, it can spread to the kidneys.

There are a few factors that can make you more susceptible to a UTI:

  1. The female anatomy

    Just being a woman can make you vulnerable to UTIs. This is due to the close proximity of the anus, where gastrointestinal bacteria reside, to the urethra. In addition, a woman’s urethra is shorter than that of a man, so the distance that bacteria must travel to reach the bladder is cut down.

  2. Sexual activity

    Women who are sexually active tend to experience more UTIs than women who are not having sex. This is because sexual activity pushes bacteria into the urethra.

  3. Certain birth control

    The use of a diaphragm or spermicidal agents increases the risk of infection.

  4. Pregnancy

    Changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy – such as dilation and compression of the ureters and bladder reflux – increase chances for a UTI because it can take longer for urine to leave the body, giving bacteria more time to multiply.

  5. Menopause

    This is the time when ovaries naturally begin decreasing their production of sex hormones; “good bacteria” levels also drop. A lack of estrogen and good bacteria allows “bad bacteria” to grow more easily in the vagina or urethra. Therefore, women who have undergone menopause are at an increased risk for UTIs.

  6. Urinary tract abnormalities

    Babies born with abnormalities in their urinary systems have an increased risk of infection. URISTAT® is intended for adults and children 12 years of age and older. For children under 12, consult a doctor.

  7. Complications in the urinary tract

    Blockages, such as kidney stones, can obstruct urine from leaving the bladder and increase the chances of infection.

  8. Impaired immune system

    Diseases that suppress the immune system, such as diabetes, can raise the risk of infection.

  9. Catheterization

    Those who must use a catheter to urinate are at an increased risk for UTIs because of the colonization of bacteria that occurs. While single-use of sterile catheters reduces the risk, it does not completely prevent infection.

  10. Previous UTIs

    Those who have had a UTI or multiple UTIs are at an increased risk for infection.

Now that we understand the causes of UTIs, let’s move on to clearing up the infection and getting relief.