UTI Facts & Myths

Let’s separate the myths from the facts.
Many myths exist about UTIs. In this section you can learn more about what is myth and what is fact.
UTI Facts | |
1. FACT: Intercouse is one of the biggest causes of infection.Because the urethra is so close to the vagina, it's easy for bacteria from the vagina to make their way to the urethra during sex. These bacteria are natural and harmless to the vagina, but they can cause infection when they come in contect with the urethra. Experts agree that sex is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to UTIs. To help prevent this, you should always urinate after having sex. |
1. MYTH: UTIs are not a big deal.It’s true that a UTI may subside without treatment, but it’s also true that the infection could spread to your kidneys and cause serious and permanent damage. If you are experiencing discomfort down there, it’s in your best interest to check it out. The URISTAT® Relief PAK®includes a URISTAT® UTI Test Strip that will show you if you have an infection, in just two minutes! If so, it’s time to contact your doctor so he or she can prescribe an antibiotic. In the meantime, use the URISTAT® Pain Relief Tablets, also included in the Relief PAK™or sold separately, to ease those uncomfortable UTI symptoms. |
2. FACT: It's fairly common for women to experience recurrent UTIs.Sure, they're uncomfortable and inconvenient, but its not uncommon for women to experience persistent UTIs. In fact, nearly 20 percent of women who have a UTI will have another, and 30 percent of those will have yet another. While they're not 100% avoidable, there are ways to help prevent infection. |
2. MYTH: UTIs only occur in women.The truth: Men can also contract UTIs, but it is far less common. While about forty-to-fifty percent of women will experience a UTI in their lifetime, the same is true for only 12 percent of men. This is because of the natural structure of the female urinary system. |
3. FACT: UTI symtoms can vary, or even not occur at all.Most people who get UTIs will experience similar symptoms — such as pain or burning during urination and the frequent urge to urinate — but not everyone will have the same experience. In fact, it is possible to have a UTI and not experience any symptoms at all. |
3. MYTH: UTIs are caused by poor hygiene.Getting a UTI does not mean that you have poor hygiene. In fact, just having a female urinary system is enough to contract an infection. You can be completely clean and still get a UTI – unfortunate, but true. Play it safe and always wipe front to back. |
4. FACT: Birth control can raise the risk of infection.While sex is a major culprit, there are other causes of UTIs. Certain types of birth control raise the risk of infection. Diaphrams increase the risk of infection the most because they put pressure on the urethra through the vagina. Also, spermicidal agents can alter the normal vaginal environment and promote bacteria. |
4. MYTH: Pregnancy and UTIs are unrelated.The changes that occur in your body during pregnancy can increase the risk of infection in your urinary track. The main reason that the chances of infection are increased is that the hormone progesterone, which your body produces at an increased amount during pregnancy, relaxes the muscle in your ureters and bladder. This decrease in muscle tone, along with the pressure that your growing uterus puts on your bladder, can slow the flow of urine and put you at a higher risk for a UTI. |
5. FACT: Children and infants can contract UTIs as well.The truth: UTIs can occur in children and infants. Just like with adults, the infection will usually clear up quickly when treated. But if not treated, the infection can spread to the kidneys and cause permanent damage. Babies who are born with abnormalities in their urinary systems are at an increased risk for infection. |